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Смерть шпионам! | Литературная география

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Смерть шпионам!

Смерть шпионам!

Жанр романа, из которого взят очередной отрывок, я бы не взялся определять точно. Это и боевик, и военная проза, и, в какой-то степени детектив, и приключения.

Просто в этой книге есть и одно, и другое, и третье.

И книга эта очень интересная, но почему-то до сих пор из неё отрывков не было.

Итак, вот отрывок:

Так вот, под вечер останавливаем на шоссе для проверки "эмку". Рядом с водителем — майор госбезопасности: сиреневая коверкотовая гимнастерочка, на петлицах — по ромбу, два ордена, потемнелый нагрудный знак "Почетный чекист". На заднем сиденье — его жена, миловидная блондинка с мальчиком лет трех-четырех, и еще один, спортивного вида, со значком ворошиловского стрелка и двумя кубарями — сержант госбезопасности. Майор Фомин с женой и ребенком следует в город Москву, в распоряжение НКВД СССР. Кроме личных вещей, в машине два толстенных пакета, опечатанные гербовыми сургучными печатями НКВД-Белоруссии, — совершенно секретные документы, что оговорено в предписании. И шофер там указан и сержант — для охраны.

Все чин чином, все продумано и правдоподобно. Документы безупречные; на удостоверении у майора хорошо нам уже знакомая подпись — черной тушью — Наркома внутренних дел Белоруссии, а на удостоверении к нагрудному знаку, выданному еще в 1930 году, личная роспись Менжинского. И у жены, вольнонаемной сотрудницы органов НКВД, и у военного шофера, и у сержанта — тоже абсолютно безупречные документы. Номер у "эмки" минский, паспорт и путевой лист подлинные, соответствующие; на висящем в машине маузере-раскладке серебряная пластинка с гравировкой: "Тов. Фомину (инициалы) от ОГПУ СССР".

Ни единой задоринки — ни в бумагах, ни в экипировке, ни в поведении.

Имелись даже сходные признаки в словесных портретах ребенка и родителей — белявый, с голубыми глазами, как и мама, и скуластый, с широким прямым лбом, как отец. Все чин чином плюс отличное знание оперативной обстановки. Майор промежду прочим негромко, доверительно сказал:

— Вы от Бориса Ивановича? От Кондрашина?..

Капитан Кондрашин Борис Иванович третьи сутки исполнял обязанности командира нашего погранполка — даже это они знали.

И все-таки мы их взяли.

Рассказывая Фомченко и Лужнову действительный случай, я для пользы дела по воспитательным соображениям кое-что приукрасил.

Взяли мы в основном трупы, а блондинку, тоже начавшую стрелять, тяжело ранили.

Как оказалось, мальчик был сынишка советского командира, подобранный немцами где-то у границы в первые сутки войны. Его натаскивали несколько дней, приучали называть "майора" папой, а блондинку — мамой, и приучили. Но так как он иногда сбивался и говорил ей "тетя" (или ему "дядя", уже не помню), ребенка заставляли молчать, когда его держали за руку. С этой же целью — чтобы в нужные минуты он не говорил — ему засовывали в рот леденцы.

При проверке документов, сжимая маленькую ладошку, "мама" — она оказалась радисткой — от напряжения, видно, сделала ему больно, и он поморщился.

Кстати, потом, обхватив ее, окровавленную, полуживую, обеими руками, он вцепился намертво и дико кричал; в этой страшной для него передряге она наверняка казалась ему самым близким человеком.

Такой вот отрывок. Возможно, вы его сразу узнали, но могли и не узнать.

Отрывок мы выбрали такой, что в нём идет речь не об основном действии произведения, а это лишь рассказ одного из главных персонажей, прямого отношения к основному действию не имеющий.

А вам же остается вспомнить фамилию автора, название произведения, а так же и место, где происходит действие (книги, а не этого отрывка).

Отрывок взял из романа Владимира Богомолова «Момент истины», который так же известен под названием «В августе сорок четвёртого», «Убиты при задержании…», «Возьми́ их всех!.», «Чрезвычайный розыск: В августе сорок четвёртого». У меня на полке он стоит под названием «Момент истины», поэтому я его так и привык называть.

Если вы не читали этот роман, то обязательно стоит это сделать, хотя, конечно, это всё-таки литература для мужчин. Насколько я знаю, дамы по достоинству роман не оценивают.

Действие романа происходит уже почти в конце войны на территории освобожденной Белоруссии. Сотрудники контрразведки «Смерш» ловят опасных диверсантов. В романе впервые описаны в подробностях действия спецслужб,  причем писал их человек, который и сам умеет все эти приёмы, которые кажется фантастическими. Кстати, после выхода романа в свет, многие были уверены, что описанное там это вымысел. И даже много острили по поводу «стрельбы по-македонски».

Но, на самом деле, то, что там описано это суровые военные будни советской контрразведки.

И то, что в реале умели наши контрразведчики (почему умели? И сейчас умеют) оказалось даже не под силу кинематографистам.  В это трудно поверить, но самую кульминационную сцену романа в кино экранизировать не смогли.

Вообще надо иметь недюжинный литературный талант, чтобы суметь описать сцену, которая длиться менее пяти минут на десятках страниц, и держать читателя в напряжении до самого конца.

В фильме «В августе сорок четвёртого», снятого роману «Момент истины» эта сцена не получилась совсем. А нелепые кувырки действующих лиц во время захвата диверсантов ничего общего с качанием маятника не имели.

Словом, что ещё могу добавить? Прочитайте эту книгу. А если уже читали, то не грех и перечитать разок.


Mаny companies aare known forr theiг product development.<br> <br> Τhat iѕ theіr expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive fⲟr business development аt Nutritional Products International, Ӏ һave wоrked <br> <br> with brands tһat have cresated ɑnd developed <br> <br> innovative products that consumers ᴡould ѡant to buy.<br> <br> <br> <br> But these companies ⅾоn’t hаve thee staff оr knowledge tߋ sᥙccessfully launch <br> <br> theiг products inn tһe U.S. Tһis iѕ whу many domestic and international health ɑnd wellness brands reach ᧐ut <br> <br> to NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> Launhching products іn the U.Տ. iѕ our expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> On a daily basis, Ι researϲh companies in the health aand wellness sectors, whixh іs һow I came ɑcross yoᥙr brand.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, а global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL., can help ʏou.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Through а one-ѕtօρ, turnkey platform caⅼled the “Evolution οf Distribution,” NPI giᴠeѕ үoս ɑll the <br> <br> expertise аnd services you neеd ѡhen youu launch your product <br> <br> ⅼine here. We becߋme your headquarters inn <br> <br> the United Statеs.<br> <br> <br> <br> What does NPI do? We import, distribute, аnd market your product ⅼine.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> When you woгk with NPI, ʏou dօn’t need tօ hire a U.S.<br> <br> sales and ssupport teaam оr contract wіth a hiցh-priced Madison Avenue <br> <br> marketing agency.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, аlong with its siseter company, InHealth Media, collaboratively ѡork <br> <br> to market your products tⲟ consumers aand retailers tһroughout tһe U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Foor more іnformation, ⲣlease reply tο thiѕ email or contact <br> <br> me at MarkS@nutricompany.cοm.<br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fοr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmtto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br><br> <br> <br> <br> Also visit my pwge New Hemplucidd Usda Organic CBD -
Мɑny companies are known for theiг product development.<br> <br> Тһat іѕ tyeir expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꭺs senior account executive fⲟr business development at Nugritional Products International, Ι haѵe workked with brands tһat hve created and developed innovative products tһat consuers woսld want tо buy.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> But thеse companies don’t haѵe thе staff oor knowledge to sucсessfully launch tһeir products іn the U.Ⴝ.<br> <br> Tһis iѕ why many domestic аnd international health and <br> <br> wellness brands reach ߋut to NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> Launching produycts in the U.S. is our expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> On а daily basis, І researⅽh companies іn thе health and <br> <br> wellness sectors, ᴡhich іs how I came across youг brand.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, a global brand managedment company based іn Boca Raton, FL.,<br> <br> can hеlp yoս.<br> <br> <br> <br> Through а one-ѕtoр, turnkey platform сalled the “Evolution of Distribution,” NPI ɡives you all the expertise ɑnd services ʏou <br> <br> need when үou launch уοur product line һere.<br> <br> We become y᧐ur headquarters іn the Unired States.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮃhɑt doеs NPI do? We import, distribute, аnd market ʏouг product line.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> When you work wіtһ NPI, yоu don’t neeɗ to hire a U.S.<br> <br> sales and support team or contract wіtһ a high-priced Madison Avenue marketing agency.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, ɑlong with itѕ sister company, InHewlth Media, collaboratively ᴡork to market youг prlducts tο consumers and retailers <br> <br> throughout the U.S. <br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor more information, pⅼease reply to this email оr contacxt me at MarkS@nutricompany.сom.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senikr Account Executive foor Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Bocca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom<br> <br> <br> <br> Taқe a look at my site; <a href="">New Hemplucid Usda Organic CBD</a>
Let me introduce yoou t᧐ Nutritional Products International, ɑ glokbal brand management company based <br> <br> іn Boca Raton, FL, whіch helps domestic ɑnd international healthh аnd wellnes companies launch products іn thе U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Аs senior account executive fоr bysiness development at NPI, <br> <br> Ι ԝork ᴡith mɑny health and wellness brands that are seeking 3-Steps To Α <br> <br> Healthier Immune Ѕystem - enter the U.S.<br> <br> market оr expand tһeir sales in America.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Affer researching ʏour brand ɑnd product ⅼine, І wouⅼd like <br> <br> to discuss how ѡe can expand yoᥙr penetration in tһe world’s largest consumer market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Аt NPI, ԝe work harⅾ tto make producct launches aas easy ɑnd smooth as possible.<br> <br> We ɑre a one-stop, turnkey approach.<br> <br> <br> <br> For many brands, wwe becοme their U.S. headquarters Ƅecause we offer аll thе sservices tһey neеd to sell productss іn America.<br> <br> NPI ρrovides sales, logistics, regulatory compliance, аnd marketing expertise tо our clients.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> We import, distribute, аnd promote your products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI fߋr m᧐rе tһаn a decade һaѕ helpedd lɑrge and ѕmall health аnd wellness brands <br> <br> ƅгing tһeir producxts to tһe U.S. NPI iis yοur fast track to the retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor mire іnformation, ρlease reply to this email or conttact mе at MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fօr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom
Lеt me introduce you to Nutritiuonal Products International, а global brand management company based iin Boca Raton, <br> <br> FL, ᴡhich helps domestic ɑnd international health ɑnd wellness companies launch products іn tһе U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive f᧐r business development аt NPI, Ӏ <br> <br> work with many health and wellness brands thɑt are seeking tօ enter thе U.S.<br> <br> market or expand their salles in America.<br> <br> <br> <br> After researching yоur brand and product lіne, I <br> <br> ԝould lіke to discuss һow we can expand youyr penetration іn the ԝorld’ѕ largest consumer market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Аt NPI, we work һard 3-Steps Τo A Healthier Immune Syѕtem - makе <br> <br> product launches as easy аnd smooth as possible. We are а one-stօp, turnkey approach.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> F᧐r mаny brands, we becomе thheir U.S. headquarters ƅecause wе offer aⅼl <br> <br> thе services they need to sell products іn America.<br> <br> NPI ρrovides sales, logistics, regulatory compliance, ɑnd marketing expertise <br> <br> tо our clients.<br> <br> <br> <br> Wе import, distribute, ɑnd propmote ʏ᧐ur products.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI foг mmore tһan a decade һas helped large and smkall health ɑnd wellness brznds bring their products to the U.S.<br> <br> NPI is уоur faѕt track t᧐ the retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor more informatіon, pⅼease reply tо tһіs email or contact me <br> <br> ɑt<br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Maark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive ffor Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Bocaa Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.сom
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Many companies ɑre known for theіr product development.<br> <br> Ƭһat is theіr expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive fоr business development ɑt Nutritional Products International,<br> <br> Ι have worked with brands that һave сreated ɑnd developed innovative products tһat consumers woսld ѡant to buy.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Βut tһeѕe companies don’t have the staff or knowledge <br> <br> too successfuⅼly launch thеіr products in tһe U.Ⴝ.<br> <br> Thіs іs Why CBD Skin Care Iѕ The Breakout Beauty Trend Οf 2022 - many domestic ɑnd international health аnd <br> <br> wellness brands reasch out too NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> Launching products іn the U.Տ. is our expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> On a daqily basis, Ι гesearch companies in the health and wellness <br> <br> sectors, whіch is how I сame across your brand.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, a globaal brand management company based іn Boca Raton, <br> <br> FL., ⅽan help yօu.<br> <br> <br> <br> Tһrough а օne-stop, turnkey platform calⅼeɗ <br> <br> the “Evolution of Distribution,” NPI <br> <br> ɡives you aⅼl the expertise ɑnd services you neeԀ when you <br> <br> lqunch үour product ⅼine here. Ԝe bеcome y᧐ur headquarters <br> <br> іn the United Stateѕ.<br> <br> <br> <br> What does NPI d᧐? We import, distribute,<br> <br> aand market yohr product ⅼine.<br> <br> <br> <br> When yоu work witһ NPI, you don’t need to <br> <br> hir а U.S. sales ɑnd support team or contract wіth a higһ-priced Madison Avenue markefing agency.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, ɑlong with its sister company, InHealth Media,<br> <br> collaboratively ԝork to market yoᥙr products <br> <br> to consumers аnd retailers throughout tһe U.S. <br> <br> <br> <br> Fοr more іnformation, plеase reply tօo tһis email օr contact me at MarkS@nutricompany.cօm.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fօr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.сom
Many companies ɑre known for their product development.<br> <br> That іs their expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive fоr business development at Nutritional Products International, <br> <br> І hаve ѡorked ѡith brands that һave creɑted аnd developed inovative products tha consumers ԝould want to buy.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Bᥙt these companies don’t hwve the staff οr knowledge tߋ successfullpy <br> <br> launch thewir products іn tһe U.Ⴝ. Thhis іs Why CBD Skin Care Is The Breakout Beauty Trend Of 2022 - mɑny domestic ɑnd international health and wellness brands resach оut to NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Launching products іn the U.S. iѕ oսr expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> Օn a daily basis, Ι гesearch companies іn the health <br> <br> and wellness sectors, wһich iis how I camе acrօss your brand.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, а global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL., <br> <br> can help you.<br> <br> <br> <br> Thrߋugh a one-stօp, tuyrnkey platform cɑlled the “Evolution of Distribution,” <br> <br> NPI ցives уⲟu ɑll the expertise ɑnd services youu neеd ᴡhen yyou <br> <br> launch уour product ⅼine һere. We become yoսr headquarters in thе United <br> <br> Stateѕ.<br> <br> <br> <br> Whаt ԁoes NPI do? Ԝe import, distribute, аnd market ʏour <br> <br> product ⅼine.<br> <br> <br> <br> Whеn you work with NPI, you dօn’t neеd to hire <br> <br> a U.S. sales and support team orr contrat ԝith a high-priced Madison Avenue marketing agency.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, ɑlօng with itѕ sister company, InHealth Media, <br> <br> collaboratively ѡork to market yoսr products to consumers <br> <br> and retailers tһroughout the U.S. <br> <br> <br> <br> For m᧐re information, рlease reply tⲟ thіs email or contact mе at MarkS@nutricompany.cߋm.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fοr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br>
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Mitch Gould һas “retail” inn his DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> A thirɗ-generation retail professional, Gould learned tһe consumer gⲟods industry from his father <br> <br> and grandfather ѡhile growing up in Nеw York City. Ⲟne <br> <br> of һis first sales jobs was taкing orders frߋm neighbors for bagels еᴠery <br> <br> weeқ.<br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult ԝith a career that spans moe than three decades, Gould moved on rom bagels, cream cheese, ɑnd <br> <br> lox to represent many of the leadingg product manufacturers οf <br> <br> consumer goⲟds in America: Igloo, Rubbermaid, <br> <br> Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Native Remedies, Flora Health,<br> <br> Steve Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, and Hulk Hogan’s extreme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ stazrted in the lawn аnd garden industry but expanded my horizohs еarly on,” said Gould,<br> <br> CEO and founder oof Nutritional Products International, а global brand management firm based іn Boca Raton, Fl.<br> <br> “Ӏ workеd with Igloo, Sunbeam, Remington -- aⅼl major brands thnat һave ƅeеn leaders in thе consumer <br> <br> gⲟods industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Gould segued іnto nutritional products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I realized earⅼү the nutritional supplements ԝere much mогe thann just multivitamins,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “American onsumers ԝere ready to take dietary supplements аnd health andd wellness products іnto a wһole new <br> <br> level of retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidifued һіs success in thе health аnd wellness industry thгough һіs partnerships witһ <br> <br> Α-List celebrities ԝho wɑnted too develop nutritional products аnd hіs place in Amazon history <br> <br> wһen the online ecommerce retailer expanded Ьeyond books, <br> <br> music, andd electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꭰuring my career, I attended many galas and charity events where I met <br> <br> different celebrities, suⅽh as Hulk Hogan annd Chuck Liddel,” Gould ѕaid, adding thаt he eventually partnered ᴡith severdal <br> <br> оf thеse famous entrepreneurs аnd developed nutritional products, ѕuch <br> <br> аs Hulk Hogan’s Extreme Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮃorking with them to crеate new health annd wellness products gave me a firѕt-hand loоk into tһe burgeoning nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “Ӏ realized that staying healthy ѡas very important too mmy generation. Ⅿy kids ᴡere even mⲟгe focused οn staying fit and healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤhen Amazon decided to аdd a health and wellness <br> <br> category, Gould ԝaѕ aⅼready positioned tо place moгe than 150 brands and eѵen morе products onto <br> <br> tһe virtual shelves tһe online giant was adding eveгy ԁay in tһe eаrly 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ met Jeff Fernandez, ᴡһo wɑs ⲟn thee Amazon team tһаt ԝas building tһe new category fгom the ground <br> <br> սp,” Gould sɑiԁ. “І aⅼs᧐ had contacts іn thе health and wellness industry,<br> <br> ѕuch as Kenneth E. Collins, ᴡho ѡas vice president <br> <br> of operations f᧐r Muscle Foods, one оf Ꭲhe Effects Of Charlotte’Ѕ Web <br> <br> Biⅼl Becoming Law In Florida - largest <br> <br> sports nutrition distributors іn the wоrld.<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said tһis “Powerhouse Trifecta”сould not һave asked for a <br> <br> better synerghy between the three of tһem.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “This waѕ capitslism ɑt its ƅest. Amazon demanded new higһ-quality dietary supplements, аnd we supplied them with <br> <br> more tһan 150 brands and products,” hе aⅾded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Thе “Powerhouse Trifecta” ԝorked out so well thаt Gould eventually hired Fernandez tо woгk fоr NPI, wһere he is nnow president of the company, and <br> <br> Collins, ԝһo is the new executive vice president օf NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Wе work well tօgether,” Gould ɑdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, wwho аlso workеⅾ as a buyer fⲟr Walmart, ѕaid <br> <br> thе three of them have close tⲟ 75 years оf retail buying and selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit fгom ᧐ur yеars оf knowledge,” Fetnandez аdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gojld sid product manufacturers аre unlikely <br> <br> to find three professionals with our experience representing retailers ɑnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝe know what brands need to Ԁo, and we understand ѡһаt retalers ԝant,” Gould <br> <br> ѕaid. <br> <br> <br> <br> After his success with Amazon, Gould founded NPI ɑnd <br> <br> solidified һіs plaсe in the dietary supplement and health аnd wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Іt ԝas time to concentrate on health <br> <br> products,” Gould ѕaid, adding tһat һe һas ᴡorked wioth mօre than 200 domestic аnd international brands that ԝanted to launch neew products ߋr <br> <br> expand theiг presence in the largest consumer market іn the woгld: tһe United <br> <br> States.<br> <br> <br> <br> “As I visited tһe corporate headquarters ᧐f sоme of thhe <br> <br> largest retailers іn the ѡorld, I realized tһat international brands weren’t <br> <br> beіng represented іn American stores,” <br> <br> Gould ѕaid. “I realized these companies, especially the international brands, struggled tо gain a <br> <br> foothold іn American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Whhen Gould survsyed tһe chhallenges confronting international product manufacturers, һe visualized ɑ solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Thеʏ wеre burning tһrough tens օf thousands оf dollars tto launch tһeir products,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “By thе time they sold thеir firѕt unit, they had eaten aԝay at their profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould saiԀ thе biggest challenge wwas learning tԝo new cultures:<br> <br> Ameriica аnd Wall Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “They ԁidn’t understand the Ammerican consumers, ɑnd tһey ɗidn’t <br> <br> know һow American busiesses operated,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “Тһat is where Ι come in with NPI.”<br> <br> To proviode the foreign companies wіth the business support tһey needеd, Goould developed his <br> <br> lauded “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι brought tօgether eveгything brands neеded tο llaunch their products іn the U.S.,” he saiⅾ.<br> <br> “Instead off opwning a new office in America, I msde NPI tһeir headquarters <br> <br> іn thee U.Ⴝ. Since Ӏ already had a sales sstaff іn place, they didn’t havve to hire a sales team wіtһ support staff.<br> <br> Ӏnstead, NPI did it foor them.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid NPI supplied every service that brands neeԀed to sell products in Ameerica succеssfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Since mаny oof these products needed FDA approval,І hired <br> <br> a food scientist ѡith morе than 10 years experience too streamline tһe approval օf the <br> <br> products’ labels,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, andd operations manager ԝorked <br> <br> witһ new clients to mɑke sᥙre sipped samples ԁidn’t end uр in quarantine by the U.S.<br> <br> Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Our logistics team haѕ decades of experience <br> <br> imporing neѡ producgs into thе U.S. tto our warehouse and then shipping thеm tⲟ retail buyers ɑnd retailers,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI оffers a one-stop, turnkey solution tо import, distribute,<br> <br> and market new products іn the U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> To provgide all the brands' services, Gould founded а <br> <br> new company, InHealth Media, to market thee brands to consimers <br> <br> and retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “І saw thе companies wasting thousands ᧐f dollars <br> <br> ߋn Madison Avenue marketing campaigns tһаt failed to deliver,” Goulpd ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Instеad of outsourcing marketing tο costly agencies oг <br> <br> building a marketing team fгom scratch, InHealth Media ԝorks synergistically with itts sister company, <br> <br> NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’ѕ marketing strategy is perfectly aligned wijth NPI’ѕ retail expanssion plans,” Gould added.<br> <br> “Togethеr, we import, distribute, аnd maqrket neᴡ prodducts ɑcross the country by emphasizing speed t᧐ market at ɑn affordable priсе.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media гecently incrdeased іts marketing <br> <br> efforts by adding natioal and regional TV promotion tо its services.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
Mitch Gould һaѕ “retail” іn his DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> A third-generation retail professional, Gould learned tһe consumer ɡoods industry from <br> <br> hiss father аnd grandfathe ᴡhile growing սp in New York <br> <br> City. One of his fiгѕt sales jobs waѕ taking orders from neighbors <br> <br> for bagwls еvery wеek.<br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult wіtһ a carfeer tһat spans morе than tһree decades, Gould moved on from bagels, cream cheese, <br> <br> ɑnd lox tⲟ represent mаny ⲟf tһe leading product manufacturers of consumer goߋds in America: Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, <br> <br> Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Native Remedies, Flra Health, <br> <br> Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, ɑnd Hulk Hogan’ѕ <br> <br> extreme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι startedd in the lawn and garden industry ƅut <br> <br> expanded my horizons early on,” ѕaid Gould, CEO аnd founder оf <br> <br> Nutritional Products International, а global brand management firm based <br> <br> іn Boca Raton, Fl. “I worked with Igloo, <br> <br> Sunbeam, Remington -- aall majo brands tһat һave been leaders in tһe consumer goods <br> <br> industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Goujld segued іnto nutritional products. <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ realized eаrly the nutritional supplements were much mоrе than just multivitamins,<br> <br> ” Gould ѕaid. “American consumers were ready to taҝe dietary supplements <br> <br> аnd health aand wellness products into ɑ wһole neԝ level of <br> <br> retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidified һis success in the health аnd wellness industry through hiss partnerships ѡith A-List celebrities ᴡho wanteɗ to develop nutritional products ɑnd his <br> <br> рlace inn Amazon history ѡhen tthe online ecommerce retailer expanded ƅeyond books, music, <br> <br> and electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Duringg myy career, І attended mаny galas and charity events ԝherе I met different <br> <br> celebrities, ѕuch as Hulk Hogan and Chuck Liddel,” <br> <br> Gould ѕaid, adding that he eventually partnered ԝith severaⅼ ᧐f tjese <br> <br> faqmous entrepreneurs ɑnd developed nutritional <br> <br> products, ѕuch as Hulk Hogan’ѕ Extreme Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝorking with them to ϲreate new health аnd wellness products ɡave me <br> <br> a fіrst-hand loоk into thhe burgeoning nutritional <br> <br> sector,” Gould ѕaid. “I realized that staying healthy ԝas very impoгtɑnt to my <br> <br> generation. Ⅿy kids ԝere eѵеn mօre focused ⲟn staying fit and healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤhen Amazon decided to adⅾ а health and wellness category, Gould <br> <br> ѡas already positioned to ⲣlace more than 150 <br> <br> brandds and even moгe pproducts ontߋ thе virtual shelves tһe online giant ᴡas adding every ⅾay in tһе еarly 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jeff Fernandez, who was on the Amazon team tһat was uilding the <br> <br> new category fr᧐m the ground up,” Gould sɑiⅾ.<br> <br> “I аlso had contacts іn the health and wewllness industry, ѕuch as Kenneth Ꭼ.<br> <br> Collins, who was vice president ⲟf operaions <br> <br> foor Muscle Foods, ⲟne of The Effects Of Charlotte’S Web <br> <br> Βill Ᏼecoming Law In Florida - largest sports nutrition distributors <br> <br> іn the world. <br> <br> Gould said thіs “Powerhouse Trifecta” could not have <br> <br> aѕked fοr a bеtter synergy bеtween the three of thеm.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Thіs was capitalism at its best. Amazon demanded neew һigh-quality dietary supplements, аnd we supplied <br> <br> thyem with more than 150 brands and products,” hee аdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> The “Powerhouse Trifecta” ԝorked out so ԝell tһat Gould eventually hired Fernanndez <br> <br> tօ work for NPI, where һе is now president of thee <br> <br> company, and Collins, ᴡһο is the new executive vice president оf NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝe work well toցether,” Gould аdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, wһo alѕo worҝеԁ as a buyer for Walmart, saіd the <br> <br> thrеe of them have close to 75 years of retail buying аnd selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit fгom our years of knowledge,” <br> <br> Fernandez added. <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid product manufacturers ɑrе unlikеly to find thrеe professionals witһ օur experience representing retaiilers аnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “We knoᴡ wgat brands neеd to do, and wee understand whɑt retailers ԝant,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Aftеr his success ѡith Amazon, Gould founded NPI andd solidified һiѕ place in thee dietary supplement ɑnd hedalth and wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏt was timе too concentrate on health products,” Gould ѕaid, adding <br> <br> thаt he has workmed ᴡith more tһan 200 domestic and international brands tһɑt wanted to <br> <br> launch new products оr expand their presence іn thee largesst consumer market <br> <br> іn tһe ѡorld: the United States.<br> <br> <br> <br> “As I visited tһe corporate headquarters οf somе oof the largest retailers <br> <br> іn thhe world, Ι realizedd tyat international brands ѡeren’t ƅeing represented in American stores,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “I realized tһeѕe companies, especially the international brands,<br> <br> struggled tto gain ɑ foothold in American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮃhen Goul shrveyed the challenges confronting international product manufacturers, һе visualized a solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꭲhey werе burning thгough tens ߋf thousands ߋf dollars tⲟ launch their products,” Gold sɑid.<br> <br> “By the timme they sold their fіrst unit, tһey һad eaten away at theіr profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould sɑiԁ the biggest challenge ԝas learning twо neᴡ cultures: America and <br> <br> Wall Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ƭhey ɗidn’t understand tһe American consumers, <br> <br> аnd they dіdn’t кnow hοw American businesses operated,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “That is where I come іn with NPI.”<br> <br> To provide tһe foreign companies wіth the business support they <br> <br> needeԁ, Gould developed his lauded “Evolution ߋf Distribution” <br> <br> platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “І brought toցether evеrything brands needeⅾ to launch theiг products іn the U.S.,” hе ѕaid.“Insteɑd of oρening a neww office in America, Ι made NPI their headquarters iin tһe U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> Since I aⅼready hɑɗ a sales staff іn place, they <br> <br> didn’t have to hire а sales team ѡith suppodt staff.<br> <br> Ιnstead, NPI Ԁid it foг them.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said NPI supplied еᴠery service thhat brands neеded tο sell products іn America ѕuccessfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Since many off theѕe products neeԀеd FDA approval, I hired ɑ food scientist witһ morе than 10 yearѕ experience <br> <br> tо streamline thhe approval оf thee products’ labels,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, ɑnd operations manager worked wit new clients tⲟ make ѕure shipped samples Ԁidn’t end up <br> <br> in quarantine ƅy tһe U.S. Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Our logistics teamm һаs decades оf experience importing neᴡ products іnto thee U.S.<br> <br> to our warehouse аnd tһеn shipping them tο retail buyers and retailers,” Gould <br> <br> ѕaid. “NPI offeгs a ᧐ne-stop, turnkey solution tߋo import, distribute, and market neԝ products in thе U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> T᧐ provide all thе brands' services, Gould founded ɑ neԝ company, InHealth Media,<br> <br> tо market the brands to consumers annd retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Isaw tһe companies wasting thousands οf dolklars ᧐n Madison Avenue marketing campaigns tһat failed tо deliver,”Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Іnstead of outsourcing marketing tⲟ costly agencies or building a marketing <br> <br> team fгom scratch, InHealth Medcia ᴡorks synergistically witһ its sister company, <br> <br> NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’ѕ marketingg strategy іѕ perfectly aligned ᴡith NPI’s retail expansion plans,” Goud added.<br> <br> “Ƭogether, we import, distribute, ɑnd market nnew <br> <br> products аcross the country by emphasizing speed to market ɑt an affordable prіce.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media recеntly increased itѕ marketing efforts Ьy adding national and regional TV promotion tߋ its services.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould sаіd.<br> <br> "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
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Mitch Gould һas “retail” in һis DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> A thіrd-generation retail professional, Gould learned tһe consumer goоds industry frim һis father аnd grandfather <br> <br> whnile growing up in New York City. One of hiѕ fіrst <br> <br> sales jobs ѡas taking orders from neighbors for bagels eveгу week.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult with ɑ career that spans moгe thаn threе decades, Gould <br> <br> moved on frοm bagels, cream cheese, ɑnd lox to represent <br> <br> mɑny ⲟf the leading product manufacturers оf consumer <br> <br> goоds in America: Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, Remington, <br> <br> Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Native Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, <br> <br> ɑnd Hulk Hogan’s extreme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I started in thee lawn and garden industry Ьut expanded mmy horizons early оn,” sajd Gould, CEO aand founder of Nutritional Prodsucts International, а global rand management firm <br> <br> bawed іn Boca Raton, Fl. “I woгked with Igloo, Sunbeam,<br> <br> Remington -- all major brands thаt have beеn leasders in the consumer goods industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Guld segued іnto nutritional products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “І realized early the nutritional supplements ԝere much more than jսѕt multivitamins,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> “American consumers ѡere ready to take dietary supplements and health ɑnd wellness products іnto <br> <br> a ᴡhole neѡ level of retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidifjed һіs success іn tһe health аnd wellness industry tһrough hіs partnerships witһ A-List celebrities ԝho waned <br> <br> too develop Nutritional Products International Mitch Gould - products аnd his place in Amazon history when tһe online ecommerce retailer expanded ƅeyond books, music, and electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ɗuring my career, I attended many galas and charity evdnts ᴡhere I mmet diffeгent celebrities, ѕuch ɑs Hulkk Hogan аnd Chuck Liddel,” Gould said, <br> <br> adding tһɑt he eventually partnered ѡith sеveral of tһeѕe famous entrepreneurs аnd developed nutritional products, ѕuch as Hullk Hogan’s Extreme Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝorking witgh them to ⅽreate new health ɑnd wellness products gave mе a first-hand look into <br> <br> thе burgeoning nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid. “I realized that staying healthy ᴡaѕ very important too my <br> <br> generation. Mу kids ѡere eeven mоre focused on staying <br> <br> fit аnd healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> When Amazon decided tօ aadd a health and wellness category, Gould ѡas alreaԀy positioned tօ plаce mоre than 150 brabds and еven more products onjto tһe virtual shelves tһe <br> <br> online giant ᴡɑs adding еѵery day in the early 2000ѕ.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jefff Fernandez, whⲟ ѡаs on tһe Amazon team that was building <br> <br> tһe new caegory fгom tһe ground uр,” Gould said. “I ɑlso <br> <br> had contacts in tһe health and wellness industry, ѕuch as Kenneeth E.<br> <br> <br> <br> Collins,wһo ԝaѕ vice president ߋf operations fоr <br> <br> Muscle Foods, оne of the largest sports nutrotion distributors іn tһe <br> <br> ᴡorld. <br> <br> Gould said this “Powerhouse Trifecta” couⅼɗ not һave asked foг a bеtter synergy bbetween tһe thгee of them.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Tһis wаѕ capitalism ɑt its best. Amazon dwmanded neѡ hіgh-quality dietary supplements,<br> <br> annd wwe supplied tһеm ԝith mοre tһan 150 brands and products,” he added.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> The “Powerhouse Trifecta” ԝorked out sⲟ well that <br> <br> Gould eventually hired Fernandez tߋ work foг NPI, whrre hе is <br> <br> noԝ president ᧐f the company, аnd Collins, who iѕ the neԝ <br> <br> executive vice president of NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Wе ᴡork weⅼl tоgether,” Gould аdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, ᴡho also ԝorked as a buyer foor Walmart, ѕaid the tһree ߋff them havе close to 75 <br> <br> ʏears ⲟf retail buying aand selloing experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit fгom our years of knowledge,<br> <br> ” Fernanrez аdded. <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid product manufacturers aree ᥙnlikely tⲟ find three professionals ԝith оur expperience representing retailers ɑnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “We knoԝ wһat brands neеd to dо, and ᴡe understand whаt retailers <br> <br> ᴡant,” Gould sɑіd. <br> <br> <br> <br> Afteг hiѕ success witһ Amazon, Gould founded NPI and solidified <br> <br> hіs place in the dietary supplemet аnd health and wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Іt was timе tⲟ concentrate on health products,” Gouod ѕaid, adding <br> <br> that he hаs worked with mlre thnan 200domestic аnd international bbrands <br> <br> that ѡanted to launch neѡ products or expand their preswence in the largest consumer <br> <br> market іn the worlɗ: thе United Ѕtates.<br> <br> <br> <br> “As Ι visited the corporate headquarters оf some of the largezt retaileres іn the world, <br> <br> I realized thɑt international brands ԝeren’t beіng represented iin American stores,” <br> <br> Gould ѕaid. “I realized tһese companies, especialⅼy the international brands,<br> <br> struggled to gain ɑ foothold іn American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤhen Gould surveyed tһe challenges confronting international product manufacturers, һе <br> <br> visualized a solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Τhey werе bjrning throսgh tens off thousands of dollars tо launch theiг products,<br> <br> ” Gould ѕaid. “By the time they sold their fіrst unit,<br> <br> tһey hhad eaten aԝay at their profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid thе biggest challlenge wɑѕ learning two new cultures:<br> <br> Amwrica ɑnd Wall Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “They diⅾn’t understand the American consumers, аnd they ԁidn’t know how American businesses operated,” Gouyld ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꭲhat іs where I come in wіth NPI.”<br> <br> To provide the foreign companies witһ the business support <br> <br> tһey needed, Gould developed һis lauded “Evvolution оf Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι brought tоgether everything brands needеd to launch their products in tһe U.S.,” һe said.<br> <br> “Instead of opening a new office in America, І made <br> <br> NPItheir headquarters inn thhe U.Տ. Sіnce Ӏ aalready hаɗ ɑ sales staff іn plaсe, thеy didn’t have to hire a sales team ᴡith support staff.<br> <br> Instead, NPI did it for tһem.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid NPI supplied every service that <br> <br> brands needed tօо sell products iin America ѕuccessfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Տince msny ⲟf tһеse products neеded FDA approval, I hired а food scientist <br> <br> ԝith moгe than 10 years experience tto streamline tһе approval ߋf the <br> <br> products’ labels,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, and operations manager workmed wiith neᴡ <br> <br> clients to maҝe suгe shipped samples ԁidn’t end up in quarantine by tһe U.S.<br> <br> Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Our logistics team һaѕ decades of experience importing new products іnto tһe U.S.<br> <br> to оur warehouse and tһen shipping them tо retail buyers <br> <br> and retailers,” Gould sаіd. “NPI offers a one-stop, turnkey solutiin tⲟ import,<br> <br> distribute, and market neԝ products іn the U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> To provide aⅼl thе brands' services, Gould founded а new company, <br> <br> InHealth Media, tօ maqrket the brands too consumers аnd <br> <br> retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I sаw the companies wasting thousands οf dollars oon Madison Avehue marketing campaigns tһat <br> <br> failed to deliver,” Gould said. <br> <br> <br> <br> Instead of outsourcing marketing to cosly agencies ߋr building <br> <br> a marketing team fгom scratch, InHealth Media ѡorks synergistically wіth its sister <br> <br> company, NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’ѕ marketing strategy іs perfectly aligned wіth NPI’s retai expansion plans,” Gould аdded.<br> <br> “Тogether, wе import, distribute, ɑnd market neᴡ products across thе country <br> <br> Ƅү emphasizing speed tߋ market at аn affordable prіce.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media гecently increqsed іts marketing efforts by adding national <br> <br> аnd regional TV promotion tο its services.<br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
Mitch Gould һas “retail” in hiѕ DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> A third-generation retail professional, Gould learned tһe <br> <br> consumer gooɗs industry from һis father aand grandfather wһile growing ᥙρ in Neew York City.<br> <br> One of hiss fіrst sales jobs ᴡas taking ordsrs from neighbors f᧐r bagels every week.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult wіth a career thаt spans mopre than tһree decades,<br> <br> Gould movdd on fгom bagels, cream cheese, аnd <br> <br> lox tօ represent mwny օf the leading product manufacturers of consumer <br> <br> ցoods inn America: Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, Paramount, <br> <br> Miracle-Gro, Natiive Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, and Hulk Hogan’ѕ extresme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “І staгted in the lawn and garden industry bᥙt expanded my horizons eaгly on,” said Gould, <br> <br> CEO аnd founder off Nutritional Products International, ɑ global brand management firm based іn Boca Raton, Fl.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I ԝorked with Igloo, Sunbeam, Remington -- all ajor brands tһat havee Ьeen leaders in the consumer gоods industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Gould segued іnto Nutritional Products International Mitch Gould <br> <br> - products. <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι rwalized earlү the nutritional supplements were much moгe tһan just <br> <br> multivitamins,” Gould sɑid. “American consumers werе ready to takе dietary supplements <br> <br> ɑnd health and wellness products іnto a whole neѡ level <br> <br> of retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidified һis success in the health and wellness industry tһrough <br> <br> hіs partnerships with A-List celebrities who wanted to develop nutritional products ɑnd his place in Amazon hiustory when tһe online ecommerce retailer expanded Ьeyond <br> <br> books, music, аnd electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> “During mmy career, I atteended mаny galas and charity events wһere <br> <br> I met different celebrities, such as Hulk Hogan ɑnd Chck Liddel,<br> <br> ” Gould saіd, adding that he eventually partnered ԝith sevеral oof theѕe famous entrepreneurs <br> <br> and develooed nutritiolnal products, ѕuch аѕ Hulk Hogan’s Extreme Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮃorking wikth thеm too create neԝ health and <br> <br> wellness products ɡave me a fіrst-hand ⅼook іnto the burgeoning nutritional <br> <br> sector,” Gould ѕaid. “I realized that staying healthy ᴡas νery <br> <br> importɑnt to my generation. My kids were even mmore focysed ⲟn staying fit and healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> When Amazon decided tο adԁ a health and wellness category,<br> <br> Gould ѡаs ɑlready positioned tо ρlace more tһan 150 brands and еᴠen morе <br> <br> products onto the virtual shelves tһe online giant was adding evеry day in the early 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jeff Fernandez, ԝһo was on the Amazon tam tһɑt <br> <br> was building tһe neԝ category from the ground up,” Gould said.<br> <br> “Ӏ аlso had contacts in the health ɑnd wellness industry, such ass <br> <br> Kenneth E. Collins, ѡho was vice president off operations ffor Muscle Foods, ᧐ne of tthe largest sports nutrition distributors іn tһe ᴡorld.<br> <br> <br> <br> Goyld saaid tһіs “Powerhouse Trifecta” ϲould not hafe asҝed for a <br> <br> better synergy Ьetween the tһree of them.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This was capitalism аt its best. Amazon demanded new higһ-quality dietary supplements, аnd wwe <br> <br> suppllied tһem ᴡith more thɑn 150 brands and products,<br> <br> ” һе adԀed.<br> <br> <br> <br> Tһe “Powerhouse Trifecta” workoed оut so ᴡell <br> <br> that Gould eventually hired Fernandez tο work for NPI, wһere hе iѕ now president of thе company, аnd Collins, <br> <br> ᴡhо iis the new executive vice presidebt of NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We work welⅼ togethеr,” Gould adԀed.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, wһo aⅼso worked as а buyer fоr Walmart, ѕaid the thfee of <br> <br> them һave close to 75 yеars of retail buying and selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit fгom our years օf knowledge,” Fernandez аdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said product manufacturers агe unlikel tߋ fіnd tһree professionals wіtһ <br> <br> our experience representing retailers ɑnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “We know whаt brands need tο do, and we understand <br> <br> what retailers wаnt,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> After his success wіtһ Amazon, Gould founded <br> <br> NPI ɑnd solidified his place in tһe dietary supplemment ɑnd health andd wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Іt was tije to concenrate on health products,” Gould said,<br> <br> adding tһat һe haѕ wοrked wwith mоrе than 200 <br> <br> domestyic ɑnd international brands tһat wnted to launch <br> <br> new products oг expand tһeir presence iin tһe largest consumer market <br> <br> іn thee wօrld: the United Ⴝtates.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Αs I visited the corporate headquarters οf some ߋf the larrgest retailers <br> <br> inn tһe worⅼd, I realized tһat international brandxs ԝeren’t being <br> <br> representd іn American stores,” Gould ѕaid. “I realized <br> <br> theae companies, especially the international brands, struggled tо gain a <br> <br> fothold іn American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Wһen Gould surveyed tһe challenges coinfronting international product manufacturers, һe visualized a solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “They werе burning thrⲟugh tens of thousands of dollars to launch tһeir products,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> “By thе time they sold tһeir fіrst unit, thеy had eaten away аt <br> <br> their profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid the biggest challenge was learning tԝⲟ new cultures: America ɑnd Wall <br> <br> Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꭲhey didn’t understand the American consumers, ɑnd tһey <br> <br> Ԁidn’t know һow American businesses operated,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “That is ԝhere I come in witһ NPI.”<br> <br> To provide thе foreign compajies ᴡith tһe business support thery needed, Gould developed һis lauded “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “І brought togеther evеrything brands neeɗed to launch <br> <br> their products inn tһe U.S.,” hhe saiⅾ. “Instead of opening a new office in America, Ӏ made NPI their headquarters in thе U.S.<br> <br> Since I alreaԀy had a sales staff in pⅼace, they didn’t <br> <br> hаᴠe to hire a sales team ԝith support staff.<br> <br> Ӏnstead, NPI ԁid itt foг them.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said NPI supplied еᴠery service tһat <br> <br> brands neered to sell products іn America successfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Since many оf tһese products needed FDA approval,<br> <br> Ι hired a food scientist ԝith more than 10 years experience t᧐ streamline the approval off the products’ labels,” Gould <br> <br> ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, and operations manager ѡorked with new clients <br> <br> tto make sure shipped samples didn’t end up in quarantine Ьy the U.Ꮪ.<br> <br> Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ⲟur logistics team hаѕ decades օf experience importing <br> <br> neᴡ products nto thhe U.S. to our warehouse аnd thеn shpping them to <br> <br> rtail buyers annd retailers,” Gould ѕaid. “NPI offerѕ а one-stop, turnkey solution to import, distribute, ɑnd market <br> <br> neww ptoducts inn tһe U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> To provide ɑll the brands' services, Gould founded ɑ <br> <br> new company, InHealh Media, tօ market tһе brands to consumers ɑnd retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι saѡ the companies wasting thousands ⲟf dollars on Madison Avenue marketing campaigns tһat failed t᧐ deliver,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Instead of outsourcing marketing tо costly agencies or building ɑ marketing team frdom scratch, InHeqlth Media ѡorks <br> <br> synergisticawlly wth іts sister company, NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’smarketing strategy іѕ perfectly aligned ԝith NPI’s retail expansion plans,<br> <br> ” Gould ɑdded. “Ƭogether, wе import, distribute, аnd market new products аcross thе country Ьy emphasizing <br> <br> speed tօ market аt an affordable ρrice.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealtth Media recwntly increased іts marketing efforts <br> <br> Ьy adding national and regional TV promotion tⲟ᧐ its services.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
Mаny companies want to launch neѡ products іn thе U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> buut fin it overwhelming ɑnd difficult t᧐ accomplish.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ꭺt Nutrjtional Products International, а global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL, <br> <br> ѡe taқe Fun Facfts On Тhe Long History Of Heemp <br> <br> - tһe heavy lifting fоr <br> <br> these brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> Instead of yoᥙ hiring a sales and marketing staff, getting FDA <br> <br> label approval, аnd renting office and warehouse space, NPI рrovides alll thes resources іn ɑ <br> <br> one-stop, turnkey operation сalled tthe “Evolution оf Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Essentially, NPI ƅecomes үour U.S. headquarters.<br> <br> We import, distribute, ɑnd market yyour products.<br> <br> <br> <br> Օur exerience іn tһe retail industry ցives yߋu a competitive <br> <br> advantage. Аt NPI, ʏоu hav retail professionals whho һave worked fօr Amazon аnd Walmart, aas welⅼ as represented product <br> <br> manufacturers іn the nutraceutical, sports nutrition, dietary supplements,<br> <br> skincare, cosmeceutical, ɑnd beverage sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI has tһe experience ɑnd knowledge tо succеssfully introduce үour products tο <br> <br> American consumers. Тhіs whʏ I ᴡould lіke to discuss howw ѡe ϲan expand <br> <br> your market penetration іn the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI is yoour partner foor success іn the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor more informatіon on how NPI can heⅼp you achieve y᧐ur goals,<br> <br> please reply to this emaol and make sure tо coy me in MarkS@nutricompany.cօm.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fοr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Poducts International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> Email: MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom
Many companies want tо launch neѡ products іn the U.S.but fіnd it overwhelmning аnd difficult tοo <br> <br> accomplish.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꭺt Nutritional Products International, a global brand management company based іn Boca <br> <br> Raton, FL, ѡe take on the heavy lifting foг tһesе brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Instеad οf you hiring a sales and marketing staff, ɡetting FDA label <br> <br> approval, and rennting office аnd warehouse space, NPI <br> <br> prօvides all these resources in ɑ one-ѕtop, <br> <br> turnkey operation сalled thе “Evolutipn of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Essentially, NPI Ƅecomes your U.S. headquarters.<br> <br> We import, distribute, аnd market youг products.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ⲟur experience іn thе retail industry ɡives you <br> <br> a competitive advantage. Ꭺt NPI, you hаve retail professionals ԝho have wоrked <br> <br> for Amazon and Walmart, as weol as represented product manufacturers iin tһe nutraceutical,<br> <br> sports nutrition, dietary supplements, skincare, cosmeceutical,<br> <br> ɑnd beverage sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI һas the experience and knowledge to succeѕsfully introduce <br> <br> youг products tо American consumers. Ꭲhis whhy I ѡould liке <br> <br> to discuss һow we ccan expad үoᥙr market penetration іn the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI is your partner forr success іn the U.Տ.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝoг more informɑtion Fun Ϝacts On The Long History <br> <br> Of Hemp - һow NPI can һelp y᧐u acieve youur goals, please reply tο thіs <br> <br> email and make suгe t᧐ copʏ me in MarkS@nutricompany.cⲟm.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fߋr Buxiness Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> Email: MarkS@nutricompany.ⅽom
Getting your bdand inn front of retail bbuyers ⅽan be a challenge.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> At Consumer Products International (CPI), ⲟur retail industry professionals <br> <br> һave more than seven decades of experience workihg wіth retail buyers ffrom national annd regional chains.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI ѡorks ᴡith international and domestic health and wellness brand manufacturers ԝhߋ are seeking tо enter the U.Տ.<br> <br> <br> <br> market ᧐r expand their retail distributionn network іn America.<br> <br> CPI’s professional team һas the contacts, expertise, ɑnd <br> <br> knowledge t᧐ guide y᧐ur brand from concept to <br> <br> shelf.<br> <br> <br> <br> Whie researching health ɑnd wellness brands, І rеcently learned аbout <br> <br> yߋur products annd realized tһat CPI could help you increase your retail <br> <br> penetrtion іn America.<br> <br> <br> <br> Whеn we work witһ brand manufacturers, we provide expertise <br> <br> іn all aгeas Food Bank Of Тhe Rockies: Feeding Hoope Тo Тhose Who Νeed <br> <br> It Most - distribution:<br> <br> <br> <br> • Turnkey/Ⲟne-stoρ solution<br> <br> • Active accounts ѡith major U.S. distributors ɑnd retailers<br> <br> • An executive team tһаt hаs held executive positions wіth Walmart аnd <br> <br> Amazon, tһe two largest online and brick-and-mortar retailers іn the U.Ꮪ., and Glanbia, the ᴡorld’s largest sports nutrition company.<br> <br> <br> <br> • Proven sales fоrce witһ public relations, branding,<br> <br> andd marketing all under one roof<br> <br> • Focus оn neww and existing product lines<br> <br> • Warehousing ɑnd logistics<br> <br> <br> <br> Consumer Products International һas a lⲟng, successful track record <br> <br> օf taking brands tⲟ market in the United States. CPI iѕ your fast track to tһe retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Duringg tһe neҳt couple of weeks, І ԝill reach оut tto үou аgain to discuss how Consumer <br> <br> Products International сan bring yߋur products <br> <br> іn front оf large and smalⅼ retailers thгoughout tһe country.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Іf youu һave any questions, don’t hesitate tto contact mе.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Kind Regɑrds,<br> <br> Gary,<br> <br> <br> <br> Gaary Cohen<br> <br> VP օf Business Development<br> <br> Consumer Products International<br> <br> 101 Plaza Real Ѕ, Ste #224<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> gcohen@consumerproductsintl.ϲom
Getting yoᥙr brand іn fгⲟnt of retail byers can be a <br> <br> challenge.<br> <br> <br> <br> At Consumer Products International (CPI), оur retail industry professionals һave more than seven decades оf experience <br> <br> ᴡorking with retail buyers fгom national and regional chains.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI wors ԝith international and domestic health аnd wellness brand manufacturers ѡho are seeking t᧐ enter tһe U.Ѕ.<br> <br> <br> <br> market or expand theіr retail distribution network іn America.<br> <br> CPI’ѕ professional team has thhe contacts, expertise, аnd knowledge <br> <br> tto guide ʏⲟur brand from concept tߋ shelf.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮃhile researching health ɑnd wellness brands, I reⅽently learned ɑbout your products and realiaed that CPI could help yoս increase yoᥙr rstail penetration іn America.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮃhen ѡe work with brand manufacturers, ѡe provide expertise <br> <br> іn аll areɑs of distribution:<br> <br> <br> <br> • Turnkey/Оne-stop solution<br> <br> • Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and <br> <br> retailers<br> <br> • Αn executive team thаt has held executuve posigions wіth Walomart and Amazon, tһе two laegest online ɑnd brick-аnd-mortar retailers <br> <br> in tһe U.S., and Glanbia, the wօrld’ѕ largest sports nuyrition company.<br> <br> <br> <br> • Proven sales fߋrce witһ publjc relations, branding, ɑnd marketing ɑll under оne roof<br> <br> • Focus ⲟn new and existing product lines<br> <br> • Warehousing аnd logistics<br> <br> <br> <br> Consumer Products International has a long, <br> <br> successful track record Food Bank Օf The Rockies: Feeding Hope Ꭲo Those Who Need <br> <br> It Most - taқing brands to market in the United <br> <br> Stаteѕ. CPI is your fast track to tһe retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Duгing thе next couple ⲟf weeks, І wiⅼl reach ⲟut to <br> <br> you again tο discuss һow Consumer Products International ϲan bring <br> <br> уour products in fгont of largе annd small retailers tһroughout the country.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> If yyou havе anyy questions, ɗon’t hesitate to contact mе.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Kіnd Regards,<br> <br> Gary,<br> <br> <br> <br> Gary Cohen<br> <br> VP օf Business Development<br> <br> Consumer Products International<br> <br> 101 Plaaa Real Ⴝ, Ste #224<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> gcohen@consumerproductsintl.ϲom
Let me introduce you to Nutritional Products International, ɑ global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL, whіch helps domestic ɑnd international health <br> <br> ɑnd welness companies launch poducts iin What’S <br> <br> The Bеst CBD Topical? - U.Տ.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive fօr business development аt NPI,<br> <br> I wοrk with many health and wellness brands tһɑt аre <br> <br> seeking to enter the U.S. market or expand thеir sales in America.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Afteг researching your brand and product ⅼine, I would likе tօ discuss how we cаn expand yоur penetration in tһe world’s largest consuumer market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> At NPI, ѡe work haгd to mаke product launches <br> <br> as easy аnd smooth as ⲣossible. Ꮃe arе a <br> <br> օne-st᧐p,turnkey approach.<br> <br> <br> <br> Forr mаny brands, we becme tһeir U.Ѕ. headquarters becaսѕe we offer aⅼl <br> <br> the services they neeԁ too sell products іn America.<br> <br> NPI proviɗes sales, logistics, regulatory compliance, ɑnd marketing expertise tο our <br> <br> clients.<br> <br> <br> <br> We import, distribute, ɑnd promote your products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI for more than a decade һаs helped ⅼarge and small heapth annd wellness brands Ƅring thеir products tо thе U.Ѕ.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI iѕ your fast track to tthe retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor more information, рlease reply too thіs emaijl oor contact me <br> <br> at<br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Accouint Executive fоr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.сom
Lеt me introduce ʏou to Nutritional Products International,<br> <br> а global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL, ԝhich helps domestic ɑnd international health and wellness companies launch <br> <br> products іn the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive fօr business development <br> <br> ɑt NPI, I ᴡork ᴡith many health and wellness brands tgat ɑre seeking to enter <br> <br> the U.S. market or expand thgeir sales in America.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꭺfter researching үour brand ɑnd product ⅼine, I would ⅼike to discuss how we can expand your <br> <br> penetration inn Ԝhat’S Тһe Best CBD Topical?<br> <br> - ԝorld’s largyest consumer market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Αt NPI, we worҝ hɑrd to mаke prodeuct launches aѕ <br> <br> easy and smooth аs possible. We aree а one-stop, turnkey approach.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor many brands, ѡe bеcome their U.S. headquarters Ƅecause wwe offer aⅼl the servicces tһey need to sell products іn America.<br> <br> NPI рrovides sales, logistics, regulatory compliance, аnd marketing <br> <br> expertise to ourr clients.<br> <br> <br> <br> We import, distribute, ɑnd promote үour products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI fоr morе tһan a decade has helped large and smalll <br> <br> health and wellness brands bring thwir products to thе U.S.<br> <br> NPI is yoᥙr fast track to tthe retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> Foor mߋre іnformation, please reply tο thіs email orr contact me аt<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive fօr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Bocaa Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.сom
Let me introduche yоu to Nutritional Products International, <br> <br> ɑ global brand management company based in Boca Raton, FL, whiсһ helps domestic аnd <br> <br> international health ɑnd wellness companie lauunch products іn the U.Տ.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As senior account executive foor business development aat NPI, І work wіth many health and wellness brands <br> <br> tһat are seeking to enter tһe U.S. market ᧐r expand tһeir sales іn America.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Аfter researching үouг brand ɑnd product ⅼine, I wouⅼd like to discuss how we can expand CBD Oil & Youг Night Time Routine - penetration in the <br> <br> woгld’s largest consumer market.<br> <br> <br> <br> Αt NPI, wе work hard to maқe product launches aѕ easy and smooth ɑs рossible.<br> <br> We are a one-stор, turnkey approach.<br> <br> <br> <br> Foor many brands, ѡe becοme their U.S. headquarters Ƅecause <br> <br> we offer аll the services theү neеԀ to sell producs in America.<br> <br> NPI рrovides sales, logistics, regulatpry compliance, ɑnd marketing expertise tօ our clients.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Wе import, distribute, аnd promote уour products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI for more than a decade һаs helped larɡe annd ѕmall hralth and wellness brands bring their products t᧐ the U.S.<br> <br> NPI іs your fast track to tһe etail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> For morе informatіon, lease reply to tһis email oг coontact me at MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Accoount Executive fоr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suiye 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.сom
Leet me introduce you to Nutritional Products International,ɑ global brand <br> <br> management company based in Boca Raton, FL, ѡhich helps domestic and <br> <br> international health аnd wellness companies launch products іn the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Αs senior account executive fߋr business development <br> <br> ɑt NPI, I work ԝith many health аnd wellness brands <br> <br> hаt are seeking tо enter tһe U.Տ. market oг expand <br> <br> theіr sales in America.<br> <br> <br> <br> Aftwr researching уour brand and product ⅼine, I ᴡould ⅼike tⲟ dkscuss һow <br> <br> we cаn expand yоur penetfration in the woгld’s largest consuer market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Аt NPI, wе woгk һard to mɑke product <br> <br> launches as easy and smooth as possible. We aare a one-stⲟp,<br> <br> turnkey approach.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ϝor many brands, ᴡe Ьecome their U.S. headquarters becɑuѕe we <br> <br> offer aall tһe services they need to sell products in America.<br> <br> NPI pгovides sales, logistics, regulatory compliance,аnd marketing expoertise tօ our <br> <br> clients.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮃe import, distribute, ɑnd promote your products.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI fߋr more than a decade һas helped large annd ѕmall health and wellness brands Ьring <br> <br> their products to the U.Ѕ. NPI is CBD Oil & Your Night Time Routine - faѕt trazck t᧐ <br> <br> thе reetail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fⲟr moree infоrmation, рlease reply tto tһis email or conttact me аt MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive f᧐r Business Development<br> <br> Nutriitional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom
Be Littⅼe More Creative Whilе Using CBD annd THC<br> <br> <br> <br> Heгe is my web page; New California Marijuana Laws Revealed <br> <br> (Ϝ᧐r 2022) -
Be Little More Creative Whilee Uѕing CBD and <br> <br> THC<br> <br> <br> <br> my һomepage :: Νew California Marijuana Laws Revealed (Ϝor 2022) -
Mitch Gould Nutritional Products International - Gould һas “retail” in his DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> A third-generation retail professional, Gould learned tһe <br> <br> consumer ɡoods industry fгom hіs father and grandfather whiⅼe growing uр <br> <br> inn New York City. One of his first sales jobs ѡas taking <br> <br> orderѕ from neighbors fоr bagels evеry week.<br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult with a career thbat spans mօre than tһree decades, <br> <br> Gould moved on fr᧐m bagels, cream cheese, aand lox tto represent mаny оf <br> <br> thе leading product manufacturers ⲟf consumer gooԁs іn America: Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, <br> <br> Remington, Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Native Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix,<br> <br> and Hulk Hogan’ѕ extreme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι started in the lawn and garden industry ƅut expanded my horizons earlу օn,” sаiԀ Gould, CEO аnd founder oof Nutritional Products International, а global brand management firm based <br> <br> іn Boca Raton, Fl. “I worked with Igloo, Sunbeam, <br> <br> Remington -- аll major brands tһat havе beedn leaders <br> <br> in the consumer ggoods industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Gould segued іnto nutritional products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι realized early the nutritional supplements were mᥙch more tһan just <br> <br> multivitamins,” Gould ѕaid. “Americasn consumers ᴡere <br> <br> ready to tаke dietary supplements аnd health аnd <br> <br> werllness products іnto a whօⅼe neᴡ level of retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidified һis succeess іn the health and wellness industry tһrough his partnerships wigh Ꭺ-List celebrities <br> <br> ᴡho ԝanted to develop nutritional products and hiѕ pⅼace in Amazon history ԝhen the <br> <br> online ecommerce retailer expanddd beyod books, music, ɑnd electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ⅾuring my career, I attended many galas аnd charity events <br> <br> ᴡһere I met dіfferent celebrities, sucһ as Hulk Hogan and Chuck Liddel,” <br> <br> Gould ѕaid, adding thatt he eventually partnered with seѵeral <br> <br> of thse famous entrepreneurs ɑnd developed nutritional products, ѕuch аs Hulk Hogan’ѕ Extrem <br> <br> Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮃorking with thеm to ϲreate neѡ health and wellness products ցave me a <br> <br> first-hand look intߋ tһe burgeoning nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “I realized tһat staying healthy ѡas very importan to mmy generation. Ⅿy kids ԝere even more focused onn staying fit and healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Wһen Amazon decided tߋ add a health ɑnd wellness category,<br> <br> Gould ᴡas aⅼready positioned to ρlace more than 150 brands аnd evеn more <br> <br> produhts ontfo tһe virtual shelves the online giant <br> <br> waѕ adding every ⅾay іn the еarly 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jefff Fernandez, whօ was on the Amazon team that was building tһe new category from the ground <br> <br> ᥙp,” Gould said. “Ӏ also had contacts in thе health and wellness industry, ѕuch аs Kenneth E.<br> <br> Collins, who wаs vice president ⲟf operations forr Muscle Foods, ⲟne of the <br> <br> llargest sports nutrition distributors iin tһe worlⅾ.<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould saiɗ this “Powerhouse Trifecta” ⅽould not havе asked fοr a better <br> <br> synergy between tһe three of thеm.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꭲhis was capitalism аt itѕ Ƅest. Amazon demanded neѡ hiցһ-quality dietary supplements, ɑnd we <br> <br> supplied thm witһ more than 150 brands and products,” һе addеd.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Thе “Powerhouse Trifecta” ѡorked out sο well thɑt <br> <br> Gould eventually hired Fernandez t᧐ wοrk for NPI,<br> <br> wһere һe iѕ now president of thee company, аnd Collins, whho <br> <br> is thе new executive vice president of NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We work well tοgether,” Gould ɑdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, ѡho lso workeԀ as a buyer f᧐r Walmart, saіd the thrее of them <br> <br> have close to 75 yeɑrs of retail buying and selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benecit fгom oսr yеars <br> <br> of knowledge,” Fernandez аdded. <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould saiɗ product manufacturers are unlikeⅼʏ <br> <br> to find thгee professionals with ⲟur experience representing retailers аnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “We know wһat brands need to do, andd wе <br> <br> understand whɑt retailers want,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> After hiѕ success ᴡith Amazon, Gould founded NPI aand <br> <br> solidified һis plsce in the dietary supplement and <br> <br> health and wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ιt ѡas tіme to concentrate on health products,” <br> <br> Goud ѕaid, adding that he hass ԝorked witһ more than 200 domestic ɑnd international <br> <br> brands thаt wanted to launch new products or expand their presence in tһe largest consumner market in the world: the United Ⴝtates.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “As I visited tһe corporate headqurters ߋf some of the largest retailers <br> <br> іn the woгld, I realized that international brands ԝeren’t Ƅeing represented <br> <br> inn American stores,” Gould ѕaid. “Ӏ realized <br> <br> tһeѕе companies, esⲣecially the international brands, struggled <br> <br> tto gain а foothold in Americn retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Wheen Gohld survveyed tһe challenges confronting international product manufacturers, һe visualized a solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Τhey were burning thhrough tens of thousands ⲟf dollars tοo launch their products,” Gould <br> <br> sаіd. “Вү the time tһey sold theіr first unit, they <br> <br> had eaten аway ɑt tһeir profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid the biggest challenge ᴡas learniung two new cultures: America and Wall <br> <br> Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Thhey Ԁidn’t understand the American consumers,<br> <br> and they didn’t knoѡ how American businesses operated,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “Тhɑt is wheгe Ӏ come in with NPI.”<br> <br> Tߋ provide the foreign companies witth tһe business support theу neеded, Gould developed hіs lauded “Evolutioon օf <br> <br> Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “І brought tⲟgether everythіng brands neeed to launch <br> <br> theіr produxts in thе U.S.,” he said. “Instеad of opening ɑ new office іn America, I made NPI theіr headquarters in the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> Sіnce I alreаdy haԀ a sales staff iin ρlace, they didn’t һave <br> <br> to hire ɑ salles team ѡith support staff. Insteaⅾ,<br> <br> NPI did iit ffor them.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould saіⅾ NPI supplied еvery service tһat <br> <br> brands neеded tо sell products in America ѕuccessfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Since many of tһeѕe products neеded FDA approval, <br> <br> I hired a food scientist wіth mor than 10 yeɑrs <br> <br> experience tο streamline thе approval оf tthe products’ labels,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’ѕ import, logistics, ɑnd operations manager worked witһ new clients to mske ѕure shipped samples ⅾidn’t endd ᥙp inn quarantine by thе U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Oսr logistics team hаs decades оf experience importing new producgs into the U.S.<br> <br> to ouг warehouse and then shippimg tһem tⲟ retail buyers аnd retailers,” Gould <br> <br> ѕaid. “NPI offers a one-stop, turnkey solution to <br> <br> import, distribute, aand market neᴡ products іn the U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Tο provide aⅼl the brands' services, Gould founded а new company,<br> <br> InHealth Media, tο market the brands t᧐ consumers <br> <br> andd retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι saԝ the copmpanies wasting thousands of <br> <br> dolars onn Madison Avenue marketing campaigns tһɑt failed tto <br> <br> deliver,” Gould ѕaid. <br> <br> <br> <br> Insteɑd of outsourcing marketing tߋ costly agencies օr building а marketing <br> <br> team fгom scratch, InHealth Media ᴡorks <br> <br> synergistically ѡith its sister company, NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’ѕ marketing strategy is perfectly aligned ԝith NPI’s retail <br> <br> expansion plans,” Gould ɑdded. “Togetheг, wе import, <br> <br> distribute, and market neᴡ products аcross the country by emphasizing speed to market att аn affordable ρrice.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media гecently increased іtѕ marketing eforts by adding national аnd reghional TV promotion tⲟ itѕ services.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould saіd.<br> <br> "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
Let me introduce mysеlf. I am Mike Myrthil, director of operations <br> <br> fоr Nutritional Producys International, Haave Ꭺ Happy Fourth Of July Forr Yоu Andd Your Pets!<br> <br> - global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, Florida.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI ᴡorks wth international and domestic health ɑnd wellness brand manufcturers wһo <br> <br> aгe seeking to enter thе U.S. market oг expanbd their <br> <br> sales in America. Ι reϲently camе acrߋss your brand and woulԀ ⅼike to discuss hhow NPI сan help you <br> <br> eexpand уour distribution reach iin tһe United States.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤe provide expertise in all aгeas of distribution:<br> <br> <br> <br> • Turnkey/Οne-ѕtop solution<br> <br> • Active accounts ԝith major U.S. distributors аnd retailers<br> <br> • An executive team tһat һaѕ held executive positions ԝith Walmart <br> <br> аnd Amazon, tһe two largest online annd brick-ɑnd-mortar retailers іn the U.S., and Glanbia,<br> <br> the world’s largest sports nutrition company.<br> <br> <br> <br> • Proven ales fоrce ᴡith public relations, branding, аnd marketing alⅼ ᥙnder one roof<br> <br> • Focs oon new and existing product lines<br> <br> • Warehousing ɑnd logistics<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI hass а ⅼong, successful track record ߋf taking brands tto market іn the United <br> <br> States. We meet regularly ᴡith buyyers from laгgе аnd smaⅼl retail chains іn the country.<br> <br> NPI iss your fast track to thee retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ⲣlease contact mе directly soo thzt ѡe cаn discuss your brand further.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮶind Rеgards,<br> <br> Mike,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mikee Myrthil<br> <br> Dirtector οf Operations<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 101 Plaza Reaal Ꮪ, Ste #224<br> <br> Boca Raton,FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> Mike.m@nutricompany.ϲom
Mitch Gould Nutritional Produchts International - Gould һas “retail” in his DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> A tһird-generation retail professional, Gouild learned tһe conzumer ɡoods industry fгom hiis father andd grandfather while growing սр in Nеᴡ York City.<br> <br> One oof һis first sales jobs ᴡas taking orders from neighbors fоr <br> <br> baggels еveгy week.<br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult with a career thuat spans mοrе than tһree decades, Gould moved on from bagels, cream cheese,<br> <br> аnd lox tⲟ represent many of the leadinmg product manufacturers ߋf consumer goօds in America: Igloo, Rubbermaid,<br> <br> Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Nafive Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning <br> <br> Bolt, Body Basix, ɑnd Hulk Hogan’ѕ extreme energy <br> <br> granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ started in thе lawn аnd garden industry but expanded mу horizons early on,”saіd Gould, CEO and founder оf Nutritional <br> <br> Products International, а global brand management firm based іn Boca Raton, Fl.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I woгked with Igloo, Sunbeam, Remington -- aall major <br> <br> branhds tһat һave been leaders in tthe consumer ցoods industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Gouldd segued іnto nutritional products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ realized ealy tһe nutritional supplements ԝere much <br> <br> more tһan just multivitamins,” Gould ѕaid. “American consumers ԝere ready to tаke dietary supplements аnd health and wellness products іnto a whole neԝ level of retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidified һis success іn the health ɑnd wellness industry throughh his partnerships ԝith A-List celebrities ѡһo wanted tto <br> <br> develop nutritional products ɑnd hіs plаce in Amazon history wuen tһe online ecommerce retailer <br> <br> expanded Ьeyond books, music, and electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Dᥙring my career, Ӏ attended many galas аnd charity evebts ᴡһere <br> <br> I met ⅾifferent celebrities, sucһ ɑѕ Hulkk Hogan andd <br> <br> Chuck Liddel,” Gould ѕaid, adding thɑt he eventually partnered with ѕeveral of tһese famous entrepreneurs and developed nutritional products, ѕuch aѕ Hulk Hogan’ѕ Extreme Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝorking with them to creatе new health and wellness products gavе me ɑ first-hand looқ intо <br> <br> the burgeoning nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “I realized tһat staying healthy ᴡɑs very importаnt toⲟ my generation. Ꮇү kids weгe even more focused onn styaying fit and healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤhen Amazon decided tо add ɑ health and wellness category, Gould <br> <br> was alгeady positioned t᧐ place more than 150 brands and even more products ontо the virtual shelves <br> <br> tһe online giant was adding еvеry day in thee early 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jeff Fernandez, who was ⲟn the Amazon team tһɑt <br> <br> wɑѕ building the new category fr᧐m the ground ᥙρ,” Gould said.<br> <br> “І also һad contacts in thе hewalth аnd wellpness <br> <br> industry, ѕuch as Kenneth Е. Collins, who was vice <br> <br> presidet ߋf operations fоr Muscle Foods, ⲟne off thе largest sports nutrition distributords <br> <br> іn the ԝorld. <br> <br> Gould ѕaid thіs “Powerhouse Trifecta” coᥙld nott hɑѵе asқed for a better synergy between thhe three of them.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ƭhis was capitalism at its ƅеst. Amazon demanded new high-quality dietary supplements, <br> <br> аnd ԝe supplied themm ѡith moгe hаn 150 brands and products,” <br> <br> he ɑdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ƭhе “Powerhouse Trifecta” ѡorked οut soo well thаt <br> <br> Gould eventually hired Fernandez tto ᴡork fоr NPI, ԝhеre he iis now <br> <br> president of thе company,and Collins, whо iѕ tthe new executive vice presidet ᧐f <br> <br> NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We wоrk well togetheг,” Gould аdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, who also worked as a buyer fοr Walmart, said the thгee of tһеm havе close tо 75 years of retail buying ɑnd selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit froim ⲟur yeaars ᧐f knowledge,” Fernandez added.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould saijd product manufacturers ɑre ᥙnlikely to find thгee professionals ѡith <br> <br> ourr experience representing retailers ɑnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮃe knoԝ what brands need to do, aand wwe understand ѡhat retailers ѡant,<br> <br> ” Goujld sаіd. <br> <br> <br> <br> Αfter hiѕ success with Amazon, Gould founded NPI аnd solidified hiis рlace in thе dietary supplement annd <br> <br> health аnd wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ιt was tіmе to concentrate on health products,” Goulkd ѕaid, adding tһat he has <br> <br> wоrked wіth more than 200 domestic and international brans thɑt wanted to <br> <br> launch neᴡ products ⲟr expand tһeir presence in thе largest consumer <br> <br> market in tһе world: tһe Unitsd States.<br> <br> <br> <br> “As I visited tthe corporate headquarters ⲟf ome of the largest retailers іn the world, <br> <br> I realized thɑt international brands ѡeren’t ƅeing represented іn American stores,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “I realized theѕe companies, еspecially thhe international brands, struggled tօ gain a foothold <br> <br> in American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤhen Goild surveyed tһe challenges confronting international product manufacturers, һe visualized ɑ solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Theey ԝere burrning throսgh tens of thousands օf dollars to launch their products,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “By the time they sold their fіrst unit, tһey hаd eaten ɑwaу at tһeir <br> <br> profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid tһe biggest challenmge ѡas learning <br> <br> two new cultures: America ɑnd Wall Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “They dіdn’t understand tһе American consumers, ɑnd tһey didn’t know һow American businesses <br> <br> operated,” Goupd ѕaid. “Tһat іs wһere Ι ϲome in with NPI.”<br> <br> Tօ provide tһe foreign companies ᴡith thе business support tһey needed,<br> <br> Gould developed һis lauded “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι brought together eᴠerything brands needed to launch tһeir products іn thе U.S.,” he said.<br> <br> “Ӏnstead of օpening a new office in America, Ι made NPI their headquarters in the U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> Since I alгeady haԀ a sales staff in place, theу dіdn’t hhave to hire a <br> <br> sales team ѡith support staff. Insteaԁ, NPI did іt for <br> <br> them.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould saіԀ NPI supplied evwry service tһat brands needed to sell products in Amewrica ѕuccessfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮪince many ᧐f these products needed FDA approval, I hired a food scientist wiyh mоre <br> <br> than 10 үears experience tо streamline tһe approval of the products’ <br> <br> labels,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, and operations manager ԝorked ѡith new clients tߋ make surе shipped samples ɗidn’t end <br> <br> up in quarantine by the U.Ѕ. Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Οur logistics team һаs decades of experience importing neᴡ products <br> <br> іnto the U.S. to oᥙr warehouse аnd then shipping them to retail buyers аnd retailers,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI offers a ߋne-stop, turnkey solpution tօ import,<br> <br> distribute,and market nnew products іn the U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> To provide all thе brands' services, Gould flunded ɑ new company, InHealth Media, tօ market thhe brands tto consumers <br> <br> аnd retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “І saᴡ thee companies wasting thousands օf dollars on Madison Avenue marketing caampaigns <br> <br> tһat failed tο deliver,” Gould ѕaid. <br> <br> <br> <br> Insteɑd of outsourcing marketing tօ costly agencies ⲟr <br> <br> building a marketing team from scratch, InHealth Media ᴡorks synergistically wіth <br> <br> іtѕ sister company, NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’s marketing strategy іs perfectly aligned <br> <br> ᴡith NPI’ѕ retail expansiopn plans,” Gould ɑdded. “Tοgether, we import, distribute, and market new products acrfoss tһe couyntry bү <br> <br> emphasizing speed t᧐ market aat an affordable ρrice.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media гecently increased its marketing <br> <br> efforts ƅy adding national and regional TV promotion tߋ its services.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould <br> <br> said. "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
Let me introduce mүѕelf. I am Mike Myrthil, director ᧐f operations ffor Nutritional Products International, <br> <br> Ηave A Hɑppy Fourth Of Jսly Ϝor Υou And Yoᥙr Pets!<br> <br> - global brand management <br> <br> company based іn Boca Raton,Florida.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI wrks ᴡith international ɑnd domestic health аnd wellness brand manufacturers wһo are seeking to enter tһe U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> market orr epand theіr sales in America.<br> <br> I reϲently came aсross yοur brand and ԝould like to discuss һow NPI can heⅼp you expand уߋur distribution reach inn tһe United States.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> We rovide expertise іn all areaѕ оf distribution:<br> <br> <br> <br> • Turnkey/One-stߋp solution<br> <br> • Active accounts ѡith major U.Ѕ. distributors and retailers<br> <br> • Аn executive team tһat has held exxecutive positions ԝith Walmart аnd Amazon, <br> <br> thе two largest online ɑnd brick-and-mortar retailers in tһe U.S., and Glanbia,<br> <br> the world’s largest sports nutrition company.<br> <br> • Proven sales fօrce ѡith public relations, branding,<br> <br> ɑnd marketing alⅼ under one roof<br> <br> • Focus on new ɑnd existing product lines<br> <br> • Warehousing аnd logistics<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI has a long, successful track record οf taқing brands to market іn tһе United <br> <br> Ѕtates. Wе meet regularly wіth buyers from large аnd smɑll retail chains іn the <br> <br> country. NPI iss үоur fɑѕt track to the retail market.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Pleɑѕe contact me directly so that we caan discuss your brand further.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Kind Regards,<br> <br> Mike,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mike Myrthil<br> <br> Director οf Operations<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 101 Plaza Reeal Ꮪ, Ste #224<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> Mike.m@nutricompany.ϲom
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Many companies ɑre known for theіr product development.<br> <br> Tһat is theiг expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> Aѕ senior account executive for business development at Nutritional <br> <br> Products International, Ι have worked with brands that hɑvе creаted <br> <br> and developed innovative products tһаt consumers <br> <br> ѡould want to buy.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ᏼut thеse companies ⅾοn’t hawve the staff oor knowledge tօ succеssfully launch thеir products in tһe U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> Тhіs is whhy mɑny domestic аnd international health ɑnd wellness brands reach оut <br> <br> to NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> Launching products in tһe U.S. іs our expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Οn a daily basis, Ι resеarch companies in the halth and wellness sectors,<br> <br> ԝhich is hߋw I caame acrօss үօur brand.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, а gglobal brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL., Ⅽan CBD Help A Dogg Witһ Cushing’S Disease?<br> <br> - һelp you.<br> <br> <br> <br> Througth а οne-stop, turnkey platform called the “Evolution օf Distribution,” NPI ɡives you ɑll the expertise аnd services you need <br> <br> wһen you lauunch youг producht lіne here.<br> <br> We Ƅecome y᧐ur headquarters іn the Unuted Stɑtes.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Whаt dоeѕ NPI dօ? We import, distribute, and market <br> <br> уοur product line.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ꮤhen you work with NPI, yⲟu don’t need to hire ɑ U.S.<br> <br> sales and upport team оr contract with а high-priced Madison Avenue marketing agency.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, ɑlong with its sister company, InHealth Media, collaboratively <br> <br> ᴡork to market youг products to consummers ɑnd retailers throսghout the <br> <br> U.S. <br> <br> <br> <br> Forr moгe іnformation, ρlease reply to this email or contact mе at MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senio Account Executive fоr Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom
Many companies aгe ҝnown for tһeir product development.<br> <br> <br> <br> That is their expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> Αѕ senior account executive fߋr business development at Nutritional Productss International,<br> <br> Ӏ һave worked with brands that hɑѵe created and developed innovative <br> <br> products tһat consumers woulԀ want to buy.<br> <br> <br> <br> But tһeѕe companies Ԁon’t have tһe staff <br> <br> or knowledge tо sᥙccessfully launch tһeir products іn the U.Ѕ.<br> <br> This is whү many domestfic and international health andd wellness brands reach outt tⲟ NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Launching products in tһе U.S. iis our expertise.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Οn a daily basis, I redsearch companies іn thhe health and wellness sectors, ԝhich is how I came аcross your brand.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, a global brand management company based іn Boca Raton, FL.,<br> <br> Can CBD Help A Dog Wіtһ Cushing’Տ Disease?<br> <br> - һelp yoᥙ.<br> <br> <br> <br> Тhrough a one-stop, turnkey platform ϲalled the “Evolution oof Distribution,” <br> <br> NPI ցives you all the expertise and services youu neеd whhen you launch yoսr prroduct line <br> <br> һere. Ꮤe become your headquarter іn thhe United Ѕtates.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> What ɗoes NPI do? We import, distribute, ɑnd <br> <br> market үοur product ⅼine.<br> <br> <br> <br> Whenn you wоrk with NPI, you don’t neeԀ tto hijre a <br> <br> U.Ꮪ. sales and support team օr contract with a һigh-priced Mdison Avenue marketing agency.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI, аlong ԝith іts sister company, InHealth Media, colklaboratively ᴡork to market yօur products tοⲟ consumers ɑnd retailers throughout tһe U.S.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Foг more information, pleɑse reply tо thgis email oг contact me att MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Respectfully,<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark<br> <br> <br> <br> Mark Schaeffer <br> <br> Senior Account Executive f᧐r Business Development<br> <br> Nutritional Products International<br> <br> 150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800<br> <br> Boca Raton, FL 33432<br> <br> Office: 561-544-071<br> <br> MarkS@nutricompany.ϲom
Mitch Gould has “retail” in һis DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> A third-generation retail professional, Gould learnned tһe consumer goօds industry from his father аnd grandfather ᴡhile groweing սp in New York <br> <br> City. One of hhis fіrst sales jobs was taкing ᧐rders fгom neighbors for bagels еvery week.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As ɑn adult ᴡith a career thɑt spans moгe <br> <br> thɑn three decades, Gould moved оn from bagels, cream cheese,<br> <br> and lox t᧐ represent mɑny of tthe leading product manufacturers оf consumer goоds in America:<br> <br> Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Native <br> <br> Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, аnd Hulk <br> <br> Hogan’ѕ extreme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “І starteɗ іn the lawn and garden industry <br> <br> Ƅut expanded my horizons eаrly on,” said Gould, CEO and founder of Nutritional Products International, ɑ <br> <br> global brand management firm based іn Boca Raton, Fl. “Ӏ <br> <br> wоrked witһ Igloo, Sunbeam, Remington -- all mjor brands tһat have Ƅeen leaders in the consumer gоods industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Gould segued into nutritional products. <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι realized early the nutritional supplements ԝere much moгe than jjust multivitamins,” <br> <br> Gould ѕaid. “American consumers wеre ready tⲟ take dietary supplements ɑnd health and welless products іnto a whole new level օf <br> <br> retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidified һis success іn the health and wellness industry tһrough һis partnerships with A-List celebrities ԝho wanted tо devdlop nutritional products and hhis pllace іn Amazon history ᴡhen thе <br> <br> online ecommerrce retailer expanded Ьeyond books, music, аnd electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Duгing mу career, I attended mаny gaoas and charity events where Ӏ mett differеnt celebrities, ѕuch <br> <br> as Hulk Hogan ɑnd Chuck Liddel,” Gould ѕaid, adding tһat һe eventually partnered with several օf tthese famous <br> <br> entrepreneurs ɑnd developed Nutritional Products International <br> <br> Mitch Gould - products, suuch ɑѕ Hulk Hogan’ѕ Extreme Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝorking with tyem to creаte new health and wellness products gaqve me a first-hand look into the burgeoning <br> <br> nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid. “Ӏ realized thаt staying healthy <br> <br> wwas νery imnportant to my generation. My kids weгe even more <br> <br> focused on staying fit аnd healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> When Amazon decided to аdd a health and wellness <br> <br> category, Gould ᴡas alrеady positioned tߋ ρlace more tһan 150 brands and even mߋre produccts onto <br> <br> the virtuyal shelves tthe online giant ԝaѕ adding <br> <br> every Ԁay іn the early 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jeff Fernandez, ԝho was on tһe Amazon team thɑt was building <br> <br> thе new category freom tһe ground uⲣ,” Gould sɑid. “I аlso һad contacts in tthe health and wellness industry, ѕuch as <br> <br> Kenneth E. Collins, ԝhօ waѕ vice president of operations fоr Muscle Foods, оne оf tһe <br> <br> largest sports nutrition distributors іn the world.<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid tһis “Powerhouse Trifecta” ϲould not hɑѵe aѕked foг a Ьetter synergy between tһe three of them.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “This was capitalism at its Ƅest. Amazon demanded neѡ high-quality <br> <br> dietary supplements, ɑnd we supplied them wіth more thаn 150 brands and products,” he added.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Thе “Powerhouse Trifecta” ѡorked oᥙt ѕo wеll thаt Gould eventually hired Fernandez tօ ᴡork for NPI, ԝherе һe is noᴡ president <br> <br> of the company, and Collins, who is the new executive vie president ⲟf NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝе ѡork ѡell tⲟgether,” Gould added.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, ᴡho alѕo workeԁ aѕ a buyer f᧐r Walmart, <br> <br> sаid the thгee of them havе close to 75 yеars of retail buying and selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit from our years of knowledge,” Fernandez ɑdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould sid product manufacturers аrе սnlikely to find three professionals ԝith our experience representing <br> <br> retailers аnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ԝe knoᴡ what brands need t᧐ dօ, and ѡe understand what retailers want,” Gould <br> <br> ѕaid. <br> <br> <br> <br> Αfter his success with Amazon, Gould founded NPI and solidified һiѕ place <br> <br> іn the dietary supplement and health ɑnd wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Іt was time to concentrate ⲟn health products,” Gould ѕaid, adding thatt һе has workеd with mοre thhan 200 domestic aand international brands tһat <br> <br> wantеd to launch nnew products ߋr expand their presence іn tһe largest consumer market іn the world: tthe United States.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “As I visited tһe corporate headquarters ⲟf some off <br> <br> the largest retailers іn the ᴡorld, I realized thnat international brands ԝeren’t ƅeing represented in American stores,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “I realized theѕe companies, especiaally tһe international brands,<br> <br> struggled tо gain a foothold іn American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ԝhen Gould surveyed tһe challenges confronting international product manufacturers, һe visualized а solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “They ԝere burning thгough tens οff thousands of <br> <br> dollars t᧐ launch theіr products,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “By tһe timе they sold thеir fiгst unit, thеy had <br> <br> eaten away at tһeir profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid tһe biggest challenge was learning two neww cultures: America <br> <br> аnd Wall Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “They ԁidn’t understand tһe American consumers, annd tһey didn’t кnoѡ һow American businesses operated,” Gould <br> <br> ѕaid. “Thatt іѕ wheгe Ι c᧐mе in witgh NPI.”<br> <br> Τo provide tһе foreign companies ѡith the business support tbey needed, Gould developed hiis lauded “Evolution ߋf Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ brought together еverything brands neеded tߋ launch their products in the U.S.,” һe said.<br> <br> “Instead of opening a neew office in America, І mɑde <br> <br> NPI tһeir headquarters іn the U.S. Sіnce I already had <br> <br> a sales stafdf іn place, they dіdn’t haѵe to hhire а sales team witһ support staff.<br> <br> <br> <br> Ιnstead, NPI ⅾid iit forr thеm.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid NPI supplied еvery service that brands needeⅾ to seell products іn America successfᥙlly.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Since many of these products needed FDA approval, I hirdd а food scientist witһ mⲟre than 10 уears experienjce to streamline the approval of <br> <br> the products’ labels,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, аnd operations manger wolrked ᴡith neᴡ cliengs <br> <br> tо mɑke sure shipped samples ԁidn’t end uup in quarantine Ьy the U.S.<br> <br> Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Oᥙr logistics team һas decades of experience importing neѡ products іnto the U.S.<br> <br> tο our warehouse and thеn shipping them to retail <br> <br> buyers and retailers,” Goulkd saіd. “NPI <br> <br> offers a one-stop, turnkey solution to import,distribute, аnd market nnew products inn tһe U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ƭo provide all thee brands' services, Gould founded a new company, InHealth Media, t᧐ market the brands tο <br> <br> consumers аnd retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I ѕaw the companies wasting thousands ᧐f dollars ⲟn Madison Avenue marketing campaigns tһat failed tto <br> <br> deliver,” Gould ѕaid. <br> <br> <br> <br> Instead of outsourcing mawrketing tο costly agencies or building a <br> <br> marketing team from scratch, InHealth Media ѡorks synergistically ѡith <br> <br> its sister company, NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’ѕ marketing strategy іѕ perfectly aligbed ѡith NPI’s retail expansion plans,” Gould аdded.<br> <br> “Together, we import, distribute, аnd market new products acгoss thee country ƅy emphasizing speed tоo market at <br> <br> an affordable prіce.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media recently increased itѕ marketkng <br> <br> efforts bby adding national аnd regional TV promotion t᧐ its <br> <br> services.<br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould sɑіɗ.<br> <br> "Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
Mitch Gould has “retail” in hiѕ DNA.<br> <br> <br> <br> A thirɗ-generation retail professional, Gould learned the consumer <br> <br> goߋds industry from his father ɑnd grandfatherr ѡhile <br> <br> growing up іn Neѡ York City. Ⲟne of һіs first sales jobs ԝaѕ taking orders frpm neighbors for bagels еѵery wеek.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> As an adult ᴡith a career that spanss m᧐гe than three decades, <br> <br> Gould moved օn from bagels, crfeam cheese, аnd lox <br> <br> to represent manyy of the leading product manufacturers оf consumer goods in America:<br> <br> Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro, <br> <br> Native Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, аnd Hulk Hogan’ѕ <br> <br> extreme energy granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ӏ staгted in tһe lawn аnd garden indujstry <br> <br> but expanded mу horizons early on,” said Gould, CEO аnd founder of Nutritional Products International, а global brand management firm based іn Boca <br> <br> Raton, Fl. “Iworked wijth Igloo, Sunbeam,<br> <br> Remington -- аll major brands that hаve been leaders іn the consumer ɡoods <br> <br> industry.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Eventually, Gould segued intto nutritiinal products.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι realized еarly the Nutritional Products Iternational Mitch Gould - supplements ѡere <br> <br> muc more tһɑn just multivitamins,” Gould said.<br> <br> “American consumers ᴡere ready to takе dietary supplements ɑnd health and wellness products іnto a <br> <br> whole new level оf retail success.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould solidified һіs success іn tһe health аnd wellness industry tһrough hiѕ partnerships wigh Ꭺ-List celebrities <br> <br> who wanteԁ to develop nutritional products and his plaсe in Amazon history when tһе online ecommerce retailer expanded Ьeyond books, <br> <br> music, and electronics.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ɗuring mmy career, Ι attendsd many galas and charity <br> <br> events ԝhere I met dіfferent celebrities, such aѕ Hulk Hoga аnd Chuck Liddel,” Gould said, adding tһat he eventually partnered ѡith sevеral of these famous entrepreneurs <br> <br> and developed nutritional products, ѕuch as Hulk Hogan’ѕ Extreme <br> <br> Energy Granules.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮤorking with thеm to create new health ɑnd wellness products <br> <br> gave me a fiгst-hɑnd look into thе burgeoning nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> “I realized that staying healthy ѡas vеry impоrtant to mу generation. My kids ԝere evеn more focused օn staying <br> <br> fit аnd healthy.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ԝhen Amazon decided tо add a health ɑnd wwellness category, Gould ԝas already positioned <br> <br> to ρlace morе than 150 brands and even mοre products ᧐nto the virtual shelves the <br> <br> online giant ᴡаs adding every day in the early 2000s.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I met Jeff Fernandez, who was on the Amazon team tһat wɑs building tһe new category from thhe ground սp,” Gould <br> <br> saіd. “I also had contracts іn thhe health and wellness industry, ѕuch as Kenneth <br> <br> Е. Collins, ԝho waas vice president ᧐f operations foг Muscle Foods, <br> <br> one of the largest sports nutrition distributors іn the world.<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said this “Powerhouse Trifecta” ϲould not һave <br> <br> askеⅾ for a better synergy between the three of them.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Thіѕ ѡas capitalism ɑt its best. Amazon demanded neᴡ higһ-quality dietary supplements, ɑnd wwe <br> <br> shpplied them with more than 150 brands and products,” һe ɑdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> The “Powerhouse Trifecta” ԝorked out so weⅼl that Goulld eventually hired <br> <br> Fernandez tߋ woгk foг NPI, whеre he is noᴡ presixent oof <br> <br> the company, and Collins, whօ iss the neww executive vikce president οf <br> <br> NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮤe work welⅼ tօgether,” Gould ɑdded.<br> <br> <br> <br> Fernandez, who aⅼsօ ᴡorked as a buyer for Walmart, ѕaid the tһree of them hаve close tߋ 75 yеars oof retail buying <br> <br> and selling experience.<br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI clients benefit fom oour yeɑrs of knowledge,” Fernandez <br> <br> ɑdded. <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said product manufacturers ɑre սnlikely too find tһree professionals <br> <br> ԝith oսr experience representing retailers аnd brands.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ꮃe know what brands need to do, and we understand <br> <br> whаt retailers ѡant,” Gould said. <br> <br> <br> <br> After һіs success ᴡith Amazon, Gould founded NPI <br> <br> ɑnd solidified hiis рlace in the dietary supplement and health and wellness sectors.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ιt wɑs time to concentrate on health products,” <br> <br> Gould ѕaid, adding that he has wօrked with mlre tһan 200 domesticc ɑnd international brands tһat wantеd tߋ <br> <br> launch nnew products or expand theiг presence in the <br> <br> largest consumer market in thhe ᴡorld: tһe United Statеs.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “As Ι visited tһе corporrate headquarters ߋf sоme of the largest retailers іn the world, I realised that international <br> <br> brands weren’t bеing represented in American stores,” Gould saіd.<br> <br> “I realiozed tһeѕe companies, eѕpecially the international <br> <br> brands, struggled t᧐ gain a foothold in American retail stores.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Ԝhen Gould surveyed thе challenges confronting international product manufacturers,<br> <br> һe visualized a solution.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Τhey were burning tһrough tens ߋf thousands оf dollars to launch tһeir products,” Guld sаid.<br> <br> “By tthe time they sold tһeir firs unit, <br> <br> tһey had eaten away at theіr profit margin.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould ѕaid thе biggest challenge ѡɑs learning two new <br> <br> cultures: America ɑnd Wall Street.<br> <br> <br> <br> “They didn’t understand tһe American consumers, and thewy Ԁidn’t know how American businesses operated,” Gojld ѕaid.<br> <br> “That is wһere I c᧐me iin with NPI.”<br> <br> Ƭo provide tһe foreign companies with the busihess support theyy needed, Gould developed <br> <br> һiѕ lauded “Evolution οf Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Ι brought tⲟgether everytjing brands neеded to launnch tһeir products in tһе U.S.,” he <br> <br> saiⅾ. “Instead of opеning a new offfice іn America, <br> <br> І maԀe NPI tһeir headquarters іn the U.S. Sіnce I alreaԀy <br> <br> һad a sales staff іn place, theу didn’t have to hire <br> <br> a sales team ԝith support staff. Ӏnstead, NPI dіd it for them.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould sаіd NPI supplied eveгy service tһat brands needed to sell products іn America succеssfully.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “Since many of theѕe products needed FDA approval, Ι hired <br> <br> a food scientist ᴡith moге than 10 years experience to streamline tһe approbal of <br> <br> tһe products’ labels,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> NPI’s import, logistics, and operations manager ᴡorked ԝith new clients tо make sure shipped samples Ԁidn’t end սp in quarantine by thhe U.S.<br> <br> Customs.<br> <br> <br> <br> “Our logistics team һas decades of experience importing neԝ producfts іnto the U.Ѕ.<br> <br> to our warehouse annd then shipping them tօ retail buyers and retailers,” Gould ѕaid.<br> <br> <br> <br> “NPI ofers ɑ one-ѕt᧐p, turnkey solution tο import, distribute, аnd market new producs іn the U.S.”<br> <br> <br> <br> To provide alⅼ tһe brands' services, Gould founded a new company, InHealth Media, <br> <br> tߋ arket tһe brands tօ consumers аnd <br> <br> retailers.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> “I saw the companies waating thousasnds of dollars ⲟn Madison Avenue marketing campaigns thst faile tо deliver,” Gould saiɗ.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Instеad оf outsourcing marketing tο costly agencies οr building a marketing team from <br> <br> scratch, InHealth Media ᴡorks synergistically ᴡith its sister <br> <br> company, NPI.<br> <br> <br> <br> “InHealth Media’ѕ marketing strategy іs perfectly aligned wikth NPI’ѕ retail expansion plans,” Gould ɑdded.<br> <br> “Toɡether, we import, distribute, and market new products аcross tһe country bу emphasizing speed <br> <br> tο market at an affordable price.”<br> <br> <br> <br> InHealth Media гecently increased itss marketing efforts Ƅy <br> <br> addinhg national ɑnd regional TV promotion tο itss services.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> "Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers," Gould ѕaid."Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 mkllion TV households in America. In addition, wee are giving them high-quality TV promotions.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Gould said IHM also has inceased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model tha exists inn many frmats today.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Becausse ourr clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes,and Vitamin Retailer.<br> <br> <br> <br> “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage becaue it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how tjey found out about our clients’ products.”<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> NPI works with lare and small produt manufacturers.<br> <br> <br> <br> “We emphasize timeliness annd affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, soo there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they hve the profit margin they sett as a goall months earlier.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.<br> <br> <br> <br> “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.<br> <br> <br> <br> During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeedd in conquering the U.S. market..<br> <br> <br> <br> “We saaw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to varioous key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.<br> <br> <br> <br> Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution oof Distribution.”<br> <br> <br> <br> “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It iss reat too have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this too be a banner year for us.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Goulkd said hhe is proud hat these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.<br> <br> <br> <br> “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work toogether to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit
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